Green Events

Green Events are events that are planned with the intent of conserving Hawaii’s natural resources by implementing practices that conserve and save water, energy, and lower the amount of solid waste generated.  In order to provide more clarity to the certification process examples have been provided below of how events have been meeting the criteria from the checklist.

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Hawaii Green Events Checklist – Examples of how measures are applied

Section I: Solid Waste Reduction Methods

Use double-sided printing for promotional material and resources
Photo of double-sided print
Provide reusable name badges
Recycling bins are clearly and conveniently placed adjacent to trash receptacles
Provide reusable/refillable containers for beverages
Use only electronic communications for registration, announcements, and updates
Review past event waste generation to establish a baseline. Devise ways to improve upon the baseline and track your results of the current event waste generation
Reusable tableware
If tableware is not reusable it is compostable
There is a convenient drop-off point for all unwanted handouts and accessories
Compost at the event and provide signage indicating proper materials
Use cloth napkins
Or napkins made from 80% or more recycled content


Section II: Energy & Water Efficiency

Use of naturally lighted space
There is signage to encourage staff and guests to turn off lights and electrical equipment when not in use
There is signage to encourage staff and guests to conserve water
Event is hosted in an ENERGY STAR, HGBP, or LEED certified building
Facility has low flow fixtures
Equipment used is ENERGY STAR, EPEAT, etc. certified


Section III: Catering

Water is provided upon request or in pitchers and/or large dispensers
Donate excess food to a charitable organization
Serve buffet style meals instead of boxed meals
Serve finger foods that are not individually wrapped
Use bulk dispensers for sugar, cream, and other condiments
Use organic food from own garden or farm


Section IV: Transportation

Public transportation timetables, maps, and routes are made available to the participants
Secure bicycle and locker storage is offered by facility
A transportation survey is conducted to track environmental impact and set baseline


Section V: Pollution Prevention

Non-toxic cleaning supplies are used